Red alert 3 space
Red alert 3 space

red alert 3 space

Any updates in this FAQ will officially come from my web page and will follow the version format v1.0, v1.1, vl.2, etc. I want this FAQ to be as correct as possible. If you find any spelling, grammar, or technical mistakes please feel free to write to me and explain them to me. If you play Red Alert, you know the benefits, you know the downfalls, this FAQ concentrates on all the frustrations we have had playing and maybe you can relate to them. There are good things about Red Alert, there's definitely some improvement over the original Command and Conquer, but overall the game improvements were very limited. These games were all good games in their time, I don't favor any over the other. The reason I do this is obviously because these three games are all very similar in concept and play. I make references to the original Command and Conquer, and Warcraft 2. Included are descriptions of why many units, structures, and whole entire concepts suck. We were SO disappointed that we felt the need to write this FAQ to explain all of the things that suck about Red Alert. My friends and I have had some time to play Red Alert over our LAN, and now wonder why we put our innocent network through such trauma. They of course included full sets of the finalised fleets, so we have taken the opportunity to share with you some photos of each fleet in full.> RA-Archive > Library > Why Red Alert SucksĬopyright 1997 Clay Guthery. We have received complete versions of the game at PSC headquarters in the UK. Production and shipping update.and some photos!Įverything's moving ahead really well with our manufacturer and they are packing everything as I type this update! We have booked cargo space on ships to leave port on the 21st January.which means that our distributors in US, UK and Australia should receive everything to start shipping to you, for fulfillment as planned on target in March 2019.

red alert 3 space

We are currently on track for a March delivery :) Backers should receive their pledges shortly after that. We are expecting these to arrive at the distribution centres by the end of February / beginning of March. This means that Red Alert is on its way to our various global distribution centres.

red alert 3 space

Our shipping companies have now collected the games from our manufacturer in China.

Red alert 3 space